Linux Terminal Goods

Some time ago I blogged about some cool terminal plugins I was using in my Linux notebook. Also some awesome retro-emulator terminals just for fun :D. Often folks asked me about some of the plugins I still use, so I decide to share some awesome, productive tools I use. Most of the tools I use are individual and isolated but the auto-suggestions, this is based on ZSH and if you are using bash won't work out, the others "binaries" will work just fine since they are not attached to ZSH. IMHO if you use bash you should give ZSH a shot because is amazing and has an active community with some many cool and productive add-ons.

ZSH Auto-Suggestions

This ZSH plugin allow you to have auto-complete in your terminal. Based on the commands you already typed he does some gray(background) suggestion and if you want to take it, you just type arrow right and he auto-complete for you. This is so so productive.

Space Vim

SpaceVim is vim on asteroids. It's dark themed and super awesome.

There are so many cool and awesome features. My favorites are the three-view(just press F3). There are also TABS, you can navigate between tabs doing CTRL + PgUp or CTRL + PgDn.


fzf is a fuzzy text finder super cool and useful to find files in your Linux. It has auto-complete  and we can trigger it to open in vim doing: vim $(fzf --height 40%)

It's also possible to get a file preview like this: fzf --preview 'cat {}'


Bat is not Cat. Bat its a cat with asteroids. There are line counters, syntax highlights and much more.

Hope you guys like it. Have fun.

Diego Pacheco

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