JBoss HornetQ component for Apache Camel (English Version)
In a previous post i wrote about the Apache Camel project. Camel is an excellent solution for system integration. Recently JBoss launched their new product, the new generation of messaging system: HornetQ which i have posted about it . In this post i came to show a very simple component for the integration of Apache Camel with JBoss HornetQ. This is the very first version of the component and i will improve incrementally. This version is still beta, has some limitations but you'll be able to work with the Camel URI using my component to access the queues and topics of HornetQ. Download and Usage You can download the source code from my Subversion repository: http://diegopacheco.svn.beanstalkapp.com/sandbox/trunk/community/hornetq-camel-component once you have downloaded you must install the component using the Apache Maven. Just type in the command line (in the root folder of the project) the following command: $ mvn clean install Then you're ready to use the compon