Service Chain

Services are a very important architectural construct. Proper services( POSAM definition and principles) are even more important. However, not all services are the same. Not all APIs are the same, and definitely not all services are the same. Just having a Service or API, we can call it many different ways; the question is how good it is and how solid it is. I still put my money where my mouth is and say that services are a very powerful concept and the right level of abstraction for most problems. However, when a service is presented to you, you cannot assume you will have high quality just because it's a service. IF services are desired, multiple services must still be desired; after all, service orientation is about having services, not libraries. However, we know that when the granularity is wrong, and when we move data and capability to the wrong places, let's say, the wrong domain, we make things worse, not only risking breaking isolation but also leading to wrong abstra...