Going Faster with Testing

The traditional management says that quality changes as we increase or decrease scope. That came from the traditional management triangle(Scope, Time, Price and Quality in the middle). This idea is completely wrong. Quality does not make us go slow, actually is the opposite, it makes as goes much faster. There are 2 important questions: A) Why do we need to go Faster? B) What faster means? Companies want to innovate, grow and increase revenue and market share, most of the companies today realized they won't achieve it with current mindsets, skillsets, and technology. So there is a rush for acquisition, companies need to acquire: 1) New Business Capability 2) Talent Density 3) Better ways to build digital products and innovate. However, there is something wrong. So for an unknown reason, we often are stuck in old mindsets like Only Deliver features, Follow Plans, Keep current process and Values. Great but what's the relation from the Business mindset with Testing. Testing is a...