Flood and Shallow? Deep and Breath Studies

Too many information, is not even a joke. We live into a high information overload. But how much is useful? Sometimes i think is just noise, most of times more noise them anything but there is good stuff in the middle so it requires us to filter. I link to have a directions otherwise you might got lost into the middle of the news feed, twitter and flood of infoq, youtube and vimeo videos. In the past i got my left reading a lot but most of not that interesting or useful to me, luckily today we have better tools like twitter and prismatic but we still have to deal with the overload and flood. Sounds like i`m saying you need have a big data stack for you to figure out what todo but is not. So for me starts with the passion, so whats are your fields of interest or what are the things you want get better, i try to not focus in so many things at the same time but 4 areas most of time.