Clojure? Hell Yeah!!!

Clojure is a kick ass Dynamic Programming Language, Clojure is also a Functional Language and "a Lisp". Clojure is not Lisp but is heavy inspired by Lisp, some folks consider Clojure a Lisp dialect. Lisp Rock a lot , unfortunately Lisp didn't take off as a primary option at the enterprise main stream development language. Clojure target the JVM, JavaScript via ClojureScript and CLR (for .NET platform) so far the best we have in Clojure runs on the JVM and I hope it keep this way. You can generate java classes from a clojure code or you can call java from clojure so interop is good. This is great for a plenty of reasons like: You can use all your frameworks and you basically don't need to re-invent the wheel, people basically create wrappers(Clojure functions) calling java frameworks. There are Clojure libraries and framework as well considering that the language is really really really fresh => 2009 we already have a awesome community a...