
Showing posts from June, 2015

AWS Cloud and the COST visibility Revolution

 Everybody is looking for the cloud right now. Amazon Web Services(AWS) is leading and MS is getting aggressive with OSS and cloud, I think google was never competitive with cloud. The cloud market is ultra-hot . However there are lot of side effects on this let's say cloud rush. The basic one is the fact if you have a low skill operator or low skill architect this guys are dead. Because today is pretty ready to have solid and great architecture almost for free using amazon AWS. Off course there is a lock in effect on this. Amazon strategy already migrate monoliths to the cloud using lots of cloud services, dont get me wrong this services are great but you have a big infrastructure lock in with this. And depending how you do in out application you can have application lock in as well because amazon is amazon is not a RFC or a JSR spec.

Setting up a full JVM Env with Vagrant: Java 8, Scala 2.11, Groovy 2.4, Clojure 1.6, Maven 3.3, Gradle 2.4, Sbt 0.13 and Lein

On the previous posts i show how to use docker , docker-compose and nodejs with vagrant now let`s do a full jvm env :-) This setup is pretty easy and straightforward for you however it could take some time depending of your internet bandwidth because we gonna download several components. Remember you need to have Vagrant installed already, this time we gonna need more than just the Vagrant file because java, scala, clojure for instance require we setup environment variables so we gonna need change some files for clojure and sbt  in order to make everything work smoothly.

NodeJS with Vagrant

On the previous post i showed how to have docker and docker-compose with Vagrant . In this post i will show how to have a simple NodeJS environment with Vagrant. I will show how to install the most common solutions and frameworks for node like: npm , express , qunit , yo and much more. It`s very easy, you need to have vagrant installed, them just copy my Vagrantfile and create a directory called shared on the same folder you have copied my Vagrant file.  After that you are ready to rock.

Vagrant: Ubuntu 14.04 with Docker 1.7

Boot2Docker is great however it has some limitations. For instance the OS is readonly and came with pretty much nothing, setting up a shared folder in windows is challenging as well as i showed on last post .  In this post i come to show something different and easier than the previous solution. You can use docker with vagrant if you are a windows or mac user this is better than use boot2docker because IMHO you can do it easily and with less software and you also gain a linux os with you can do stuff because is not read only. Let`s use Vagrant .