Interview Questions

A couple of days ago I was blogging about hiring. Today I want to continually expand this subject but focus on interview questions. So this could help you in 2 ways. First, as you will need to interview people, it can help to build you interview script or even that preparation is hard and every company is different and has different cultural FIT I would say there some questions which are common or even make sense to be ready to answer. So I have a video to go throught the Interview Questions towards soft-skills / people questions. So Let's go!
Video Script
Solutions: Architecture and Design
- Explain Previous project Architecture - what improve and why?
- Given a problem and ask people how to fix it (i.g Twitter)
People Questions
- What were the last three books you read? Papers?
- Books:
- Outcomes over Outputs
- Project Myopia
- NO Estimates
- Papers:
- Google Autoscaling
- Choosing a cloud DBMS - Redshift
- Serverless, One step Forward and 2 Backward
- Three strengths you have
- Hardworking
- Working beyond 8h
- Care about things beyond my scope - other projects
- Share Links with everybody (useful for other problems)
- Communication
- Convey ideas and sell projects/endeavors i.g Slide Decks
- Write summary emails (issues, incidents, lessons learned)
- Ping people in Private to see if they are okay.
- Result Oriented
- Proactively think about corner cases.
- Proactively do code review - outside of PR flow.
- Make sure we have a balance between features x tech and value. Work on waves.
- Three attitudes you are working to improve - focus on behavior
- Fewer Details
- I've often give Too many details in emails and chats.
- Even speaking, I would give long answers easily.
- Less Energy
- I've got a passion for what I do - So I need to slow down sometimes. Speak too much.
- Improve Cost awareness
- Prioritize interviews over tech/engineering activities
- 1 Situation where did you fail
How to Evaluate Agile / Lean Skills?
- What does Agile / Lean mean to you?
- Effective Learning
- Principles
- See and Avoid Waste
- It's about the whole system
- It's about the customer/user
- How do you things matter - tech excellence
- How do you perform facilitations?
- Day-by-day work, meetings, retros, working with software (tech facilitation).
- What're the principles behind some ceremonies like DEMO and Retro?
- DEMO - Show / Understand
- RETRO - Reflect and Improve
- What are the main differences between Kanban and Scrum?
- Dates
- Level of Details
- Timeboxes
- Approach to change version easy to adopt
- How to handle a painful or lousy product owner?
- Education
- Patience and Experiments
Diego Pacheco