Generic and Script Remediation
Some time ago I was sharing my experiences with a Dynomite Remediation Process I wrote. Iḿ using remediation systems for a while and IMHO the add lots of value since they automate manual Cloud Operation work and save time for people. Currently, I refactored my Remediation code and now the same code can support Dynomite / Dynomite Manager but also Apache Cassandra. There are very similar concepts between Dynomite and Cassandra Remediation such as discovering AWS EC2 Ips to be remediated, AWs Resourcing(Creating SGs, Deleting LCs, Updating ASGs), Health checking(Is the node up and running? Could I remediate right now or you are in the middle of a backup or just booting up?). Once I identified that core concept I was able to create a high level and generic design for Cassandra and Dynomite. This is great for cases of Patch / Fix(apply a new AMI) or Scale Up(Increase the memory or CPU for instance). Although that the main use cases and most important ones there were some c...