Global Gradle Config for Remote Debug and IDE support

Gradle right now is the standard tool for Java builds. Before gradle, pretty much everybody was using maven.

Working with cloud computing very often we need do remote debugging. In this blog post, I will show how to configure remote debugging for all your gradle projects.  The nice thing about the approach I will show is that you don't need to change your build.gradle files since we will do it as a global config this will be valid for all.

We also will setup configs for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDE support in the same file. Since we will configure remote debug you need to keep in mind that debug port need to be open in all security groups and firewalls in order to work.  Keep in mind remote debug is slow especially with Amazon.

We will open port 9009, but you can change the port if you like. This config works with Jetty and also with Java main classes as well.

Configuring Remote Debug and IDE Support in Gradle

Diego Pacheco

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