Hey folks, in this post i will show how to have fun coding Web services with REST, Spring 3 and Jasper Reports. First of all i will give you some background about REST. We gonna code our Web Service REST using Apache CXF . You can work the old way, with CXF using the standards like ws-* but here we will use REST only. Why REST? REST(Representational State Transfer) is not a standard. It is an Architectural Style defined in 2000 by Roy Fielding . The Style basically consist in leverage http method like PUT, DELETE and not be stuck only to POST and GET. With REST your are not limited to XML, you have freedom to work with different media types(data format) like Json , Protobuf , binary, raw text or whatever media-type you want even xml. REST is simply. I don't know if it will remain for long time but pray all day for that happen :-). There are a couple of enemies trying to transform REST in something more look like ws-*, such wadl (very nasty). I know you guys want some way to ...