
Showing posts from September, 2023

Tagging Everything

I was always a big believer in metadata and observability. Tagging is another form of observability, the idea is very basic and yet not well explored in our industry. You add metadata to a resource. Metadata is just data that describes data. Why bother? Well, at scale, there will be hundreds to thousands of resources including ec2 machines, container images, security groups, load balancers, and all kinds of applications like services, bffs, aggregators, a much more. How do you make sense of these resources? How do you know if you need them after all? Cloud computing is great but also is a big cost center. Understanding your resources is critical, not only for savings but for better infrastructure management. Tags help with cost, but they go beyond cost.  Endless Resources So let's say you have some scale, easily you can have hundreds to thousands of ec2 and dozens to hundreds of lamdas. The first question that should come to mind is ownership, how own all these resources? By not ha...

Design Patterns

Once upon a time, Design Patterns was a big thing. In current times, perceptions have shifted and the industry has mixed feelings about them. I've thought a lot of blogging about design patterns was worth it or not. I used a lot of patterns in my life, there were moments when I was completely okay with design patterns, and other times not so okay. I got some mixed feelings but today I think they are fine. IMHO there are some fairness and some misconceptions. There are hundreds of Design Patterns, there are patterns for everything you can imagine. Usually when people complain about patterns they are talking about OOP patterns, more specifically from the 90s book from the GOF .   Patterns are not limited to OO, there are functional programming patterns, system programming patterns, OS patterns, cloud computing patterns, frontend patterns, and mobile patterns. Lots of these patterns are very similar, at the end of the day not all problems are that different, and are all about ideas an...