
Showing posts from May, 2021

Fat Jar with Scala 2.13 and Sbt 1.5

Fat Jar is a very useful technique. Having one jar and one jar only makes the distribution of software much easier and also mantaince much more sense as you need to roll out bug fixes and changes. Scala allows us to create self-package, self-executing one single fat jat by using the Assembly plugin. Today I want to share a simple POC and video I made showing how we can create a Fat Jar using Scala, Assembly, and Sbt. The code will be using a java dependency, a project called Apache Commons Lang .  So let's get started! The Video The Code Cheers, Diego Pacheco

Java Visibility Options

Java has 4 visibility options: Public, Protected, Private, and Default. However, is those visibilities enough? Sometimes we need to weigh tradeoffs between different dimensions such as Design, Abstraction, Testing, and Security. C++ Has interesting fine-grained, class-level control with a friend. Java does not have that, but there are some interesting options we do in order to imporve things a bit. Today I want to share a video going through the options we have in Java. I also will show some C++ code so we can see how C++ would handle it. Java also has modules but that is not widely adopted in the industry as most companies still run on java 8. So Let's get started! The Video The POCs Cheers, Diego Pacheco

Encryption Deep Dive

Encryption is super important nowadays.  However, it is straightforward to end up making the wrong choices and compromising your brand and customer experience. AWS CTO Warner Vogels once said Security is everybody's job. Today I want to share another Slidecast I made about Encryption. We will do a Deep Dive into the Encryption problem space, and also, we will see how to do the basics with Java Standard JDK. No Matter if you are a DevOps Engineer or Engineering, you might found this useful. I will cover Symmetrical encryption in-depth, RNGs, PRGNs, AES, AES Operational Modes, Rotation Challenges, AWS KMS, Java Code, and more. So without further due, let's get started! 

Security 101

Security is the new black. Years ago Tests were not widespread as they are today and the same happened with DevOps where automation, Infra as Code, Versioning become the norm today. However, for security, we are not there yet. I believe this will change in the next years and more and more security is a concern where the teams need to care about and understand more about. Security can be pretty scary but at the same time is not rocket science and you can learn it for sure. Today I made a slidecast which I want to share with you guys and go over the security principles, common vulnerabilities and attack vectors, culture, trends, and much more. So Let's get started!

Reflections on Legacy Code

Every company has a legacy code. Often we confuse legacy with multiple different concepts, and this confusion makes improvements harder to happen. Most engineers don’t like to deal with legacy code-we all like shiny new things. Unfortunately, most of the time, there is no easy way out. It is possible to replace a legacy system with a brand new system because it is easier and faster than fixing all the legacy’s problems. We can’t get out of legacy systems because they have old languages, old databases, and often messy. Is that so? However, there are 2 kinds of old languages. The ones who are dying and dated like Delphi or Clipper and the other ones are old but are perfectly fine to use C++ or Java. I’m not defending legacy systems; however, I believe several essential aspects need to be considered. Old: Mature vs. Dated Commonly, we confuse mature software with dated.  Boring technology  is full of good arguments there. Old technology not necessarily means it is terrible. ...

Threadcast: A morte dos Microsserviços com Diego Pacheco

Normalmente eu nao blog em português, mas hoje quero compartilhar um programa que participei recentemente. Programa gravado com o Inacio da South System sobre Arquitetura de Software, mais especificamente falando de Microservices, SOA, Shared-Libs e bem como os problemas e as soluções. Microservices estão em baixa nos dias de hoje. Porém muitas vezes não entendemos por que estamos usando microservices e nem por que estamos parando de usa-los. Muito difícil conversar sobre SOA e microservices sem falar de shared-libs e o impacto nessas arquiteturas. Nessa conversa você ira entender mais os problemas desse landscape bem como muitas alternativas para editar esses problemas. Entao bora la ver esse video! 

Teams Evolutions

Every company out there works with teams. There are all sorts of teams such as teams specialized in technology stack like Hadoop or teams which are domain-driven and have cross disciplines( Cross-Functional Team ) inside such as backend, frontend, QA, UX, Architecture, and more. People don't leave companies they leave teams, also it would be accurate to say that people don't join companies and they join teams. So should we have dynamic or static teams? Should teams self-assemble or should we have PMO doing that? Should the teams be stable or should we allow dynamic reteaming? Is work always fitting well in our team's structure? What about Platform vs product teams, which one is best? Should we just pick one model or should we use different models? Should engineers organize around managers or managers organized around engineers? Teams affect Architecture and our perception of ownership. Teams should be a people organization but often is just a grouping of people where everyb...

Reflections on SCM

Branches are almost a religious topic on technology. Git made branches easier and the default approach nowadays. However, do branches always help us and improve the status quo? Do we understand where we are going and what goes do we have or are we just following the herd and choosing technology as a fashion choice? Branches can impact your Refactoring, Code Review, and Collaboration habits. Branches also have high relation with software architecture or the lack of then. Many teams want to do CI/CD or at least talk about modernizing the release technologies but do all teams understand the principles behind it. To answer these questions and many others: Today I want to share a slide cast I made about branches and SCM in general. Doing some reflections and thinking about the benefits and the issues around branches. So Let's get started!