DevOps it's about Design
DevOps it's about Design! As Steve Jobs once said: "Design is not how it looks but how it works". DevOps implies operation work through automation. People who do DevOps could come from 2 different kinds of backgrounds, you can come from Dev or from Ops. A good Developer cares about and really knows how to design applications. We do have several principles to design software. One of the basic and most important principles is Abstraction. Abstractions Abstraction means doing more with less and hiding complexity. It's easy to find automation solution with does not provide any abstraction at all. There is an easy way to get this smell which is the number of parameters you get from a Jenkins job for instance. More parameters means throwing complexity in your face it does not imply more flexibility. Having more options also can create more trouble for you because. Let's say you are using AWS and you receive the AMI_ID as parameter. Sounds like a g...